cats with long whiskers three maine coon kittens

Cats with Long Whiskers – Cutest Pics, Poem & More!!

There’s something extra special about long whiskers on a cat. We can’t help but love them. And we’ve all heard that a cat uses its whiskers to judge whether they can fit through spaces. But is that really true? Let’s talk about which cats have the longest whiskers and learn some fun facts about cats with long whiskers.

Which Breeds are Known for Having Long Whiskers?

Your veterinarian will tell you correctly that the size of a cat’s whiskers corresponds to the size of the cat. It only stands to reason, then, that larger, fluffier cat breeds have longer whiskers. That’s why you will usually find the following cat breeds listed for cats with long whiskers:

  • Maine Coon
  • Ragdoll
  • Persian
  • Siberian
  • Norwegian Forest Cat
  • Himalayan

But why does a larger cat need longer whiskers? The answer lies in the reason why cats have whiskers in the first place. Whiskers are sense organs which cats use to interpret objects and spaces around them. A big cat needs longer whiskers to determine whether he can stuff his adorably fluffy body through tight openings. The whiskers never lie! Though sometimes cats don’t listen to them and this happens:

calico cat stuck in bird house
Photo of calico cat from Unsplash Tomas Tuma

As a special mention to our list of cats with really long whiskers, it’s important to note that tuxedo cats of all sizes have striking whiskers because of the contrast of their white whiskers against their black fur. Some of our favorite cat whiskers are found not on long-hair or special breeds, but on our tuxie friends. If you are a long cat whisker aficionado, consider inviting a well-dressed tuxedo cat into your life!

cats with long whiskers tuxedo cat
Photo of tuxedo kitten from Pixabay

What are Some Fun Facts about Cats with Long Whiskers?

Did you know that a cat with long whiskers can experience something called whisker stress? It’s a thing! Whiskers, as mentioned previously, are sensory organs, and if they are tightly contained – such as in a deep or narrow food dish – if can cause cats great discomfort. Another interesting cat whisker fact is that some cats have partial whiskers or none at all like the Sphynx cat. So how do Sphynx cats get their sense of balance and know if they can go through an opening? Fortunately for the Sphynx, cats have other amazing physical characteristics – such as keen eyesight – to guide them in these tricky situations. Another fun fact about cat whiskers is that they can actually change color. Just like human hair gets gray as we age, so do cat whiskers, turning gray or white as kitties reach their senior years.

cats with long whiskers orange maine coon
Photo of Maine coon cat from Pixabay

How Should I Take Care of My Cats with Long Whiskers?

Although cat whiskers do not contain nerves and it would not cause them physical pain, you should never cut, trim, or pull your cat’s gorgeous long whiskers. Doing that would be like depriving Spiderman of his spidey sense or taking ski poles away from a skier. Your cat could end up disoriented, upset, and confused. She might even bump into things or miscalculate a jump and fall since cats rely on whiskers for balance and navigating the world around them. Another important point for caring for your cat with long whiskers is making sure that your cat’s food dishes and favorite spaces do not bump or constrain the whiskers too tightly. This could make your cat uncomfortable and stressed out, which is not good for anyone in the household. Happy cat, happy life is what we always say!

cats with long whiskers norwegian forest cat
Photo of Norwegian forest cat from Pixabay

Where can I Find More Pictures of Cats with Really Long Whiskers?

Cats with long whiskers are so adorable that you probably want to see more of them. We don’t blame you! Besides randomly googling it, you can take our advice and head to Instagram for the Whisker Parade! What is the Whisker Parade you might ask? The #whiskerparade is a special hashtag often used on Whisker Wednesday for cats to show off pictures of their long, beautiful face sticks. In addition to the special hashtag, there is now an Instagram account @thewhiskerparade which features beautiful cats with really long whiskers. You are welcome cat whisker lovers!

cats with long whiskers sitting together in snow
Photo of cats in snow from Pixabay

Fun Poems About Cat Whiskers

I've got gorgeous, extra long whiskers
There is no doubt about that
You say 'cause I'm wide as they are long
Hey, are you calling me fat?

Whiskers for hours, whiskers for days
Whiskers for months and years
Don't you dare touch them unless we are friends
Or if you like drowning in tears

Copyright Herding Kittens

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More poetry from Herding Kittens here

Cute video about whiskers here

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