Adorable tortie cat with wings

Are These Cats with Wings Angels? See the Pics!

Whether the kitties in these adorable pictures of cats with wings are actual angels may remain a mystery, but angel cats and winged felines have captured our imagination throughout history. So much so that there have been sightings of “real” cats with wings and even videos of cats with wing-like appendages. But what about cats that do amazing good deeds and our own cats that save our lives every day – aren’t they angels too? Our stories will prove that angels don’t always have wings…sometimes they have whiskers!

Cats with wings in folklore and writing

Humans have been fascinated with cats and cats with wings for centuries, even conjuring up mythical beasts such as the sphinx – which has a woman’s head and the body of a lion, and the griffin – which has the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion. But it wasn’t until 1842 when there was a written reference to a “real” cat with wings. It was poet Henry David Thoreau who described his neighbor’s cat as having wings. But were they real wings? Not really. This special cat had long matted fur that looked like limbs and resembled wings. But Thoreau and others have seen winged cats through the lenses of their imagination, which is sometimes more powerful than reality.

Cats with wings that skipped the feathers

tabby cat with wings looks upward
Tabby cat with wings by license from Shutterstock

Who needs a dog for protection when you have a brave angel cat who defends you in the face of grave danger? Tara the cat of Bakersfield, California, isn’t a cat with wings, but her actions made her a hero when she saved her young human from a vicious attack. In 2008, four-year-old Jeremy Triantello was outside playing on his tricycle when his neighbor’s Labrador/ Chow mix brutally bit his leg and dragged him off of his bike. Enter our amazing protagonist Tara the cat! She swooped in out of nowhere, body slammed the dog, and chased him off of the driveway and away from her precious human, saving him from further injury. In our opinion, Tara may not be a cat with wings that you can see, but she is definitely a cat angel!

Angel cats don’t need wings to save lives…

Orange kitten with wings by license from Shutterstock

It will come as no surprise to cat moms that cats make us healthier by helping to lower blood pressure and increasing our sense of well-being. But one cat owner swears that her cat actually saved her life by detecting cancer! Fifty-two-year-old Wendy Humphreys said her kitten Fidge started acting very oddly several weeks after she was adopted. The small, black-and-white kitten would jump up and down on Wendy’s right breast whenever she sat down. Wendy thought this was so strange that she visited her doctor. Lo and behold, it turns out that Wendy had malignant breast cancer. To this day, Wendy maintains that her precious kitten saved her life. We think Fidge is definitely a cat with angel wings!

Real-life cats with wings caught on video

Black kitten with wings by license from Shutterstock

Most of our stories so far have involved angel cats who do good deeds. But could there be real-life cats with wings? In 2008, a story emerged of a calico cat living in China who had wings and there was a video and pictures to prove it! This was more than just matted fur or extra skin, and the video even showed people touching the cat with wings. In this particular case, scientists had no explanation for this real-life angel cat. Watch out birds, maybe even the skies won’t be safe from your furry nemesis anymore!

Conclusion: cats with wings are REAL angels!

Orange cat with wings and a halo
Orange tabby angel cat found on Pixabay

Cat owners don’t need proof that the fur balls in these pictures of cats with wings are angels. They ARE! Because all cats are angels, with or without wings…

Cats are made by God above 
to give us laughter and their love
They don't have halos, they have fur
They can't sing, but they can purr
They don't have wings, they can't fly
but they are angels, by and by
Turns out wings aren't what you need
Only whiskers, yes, indeed

Copyright Herding Kittens

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